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Information MyPoule.nl

Sub-pool Mypoule is your pool. If you create a sub-group for a tournament you become the group manager and determines who can join in your group and have access to your members email or delete them from your group.
Simple After filling out the predictions of the matches. You can still change the predictions until the day before the first contest of the tournament. When the first match begins the predictions can no more be changed.
Honest The scoring and results are neatly and honestly cared by MyPoule site-administrator. Predictions are for all members in the same sub-group shown when the first match begin, except for VIP members they can always see the predictions.
Points After you have registered and logged in, you can see how the points are calculated for that tournament by clicking on info.
the preliminaries is 1 point for each correct predicted goal score per club/country. 3 points at the winner well (eg predicted 1 - 0, result 2-0) and 5 points at exactly good score (eg predicted 1-0, 1-0 result ) . The points in the finals are depending on the country or club qualified for that final round.
Clear Anyone can easily send a message to each other. There are no complicated options or difficult menu's. MyPoule is simple and clear.
Fisc Beware the tax (Fiscus) , this note also often to football pools. People who win more than 454 euros by filling in the pool (in the Netherlands), must take into account an assessment of the tax.
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